Friday, December 11, 2009

Me, Myself, and My Initials

This was a project another classmate and I taught to the class. We had them bring pictures of themselves to the class for this project, but if they didn't have any pictures we had magazines for them to cut out pictures to us. We started out having the students draw out the design of their initials that would be cut out. Once they were drawn and cut out, the students were to put their design piece over another piece of paper of the same size and trace the design. Once they were done tracing, they were to then begin planning out their design of their pictures. They had to chance to design their pictures in any way, but were advised to cut their pictures in the same geometrical shape. I designed my piece by using magazine pictures and having the picture describe a part of my life. The pictures, from the bottom up, describe my likes as a child to now as a college student. The large picture in the middle of Tiger Woods is to describe my likeness for him as my favorite golfer, from when I was a child to now. An extension to this project would to have the students tell the class about their project and the pictures in the piece.


This lesson was on scrapbooking. We were to bring 2 pictures to class to class for the project, but if you did not have pictures, you could use magazine pictures like I did. We were to pick out our background design paper and be as creative as possible. My design was on some of my favorite foods, which are fish and potatoes. I thought this is a very age appropriate for children of all ages. An extension to this project would to have the children tell the class the meaning/story behind your scrapbook piece of art.

Perspective Drawing

In this project we learned about vanishing points and how to give a 3D effect to a drawing. We started by having a certain point on the paper to where the road leads to. All you needed for this project is a pencil, eraser, and a ruler. Once you have all your lines made out, you had to chance to edit everything in the piece to make it look like a downtown district. I thought this project was fun and very age appropriate. I would incorporate a math lesson as an extension. You can use geometry to help the students draw their lines and learn measurement.

Comic Strip Art

This project began with a breaf lesson on how comic strips were made, a lesson in shading, and also how to get a secondary color from two (2) primary colors. We were then to create a storyline from our imagination. I chose a storyline about the life of an ant. I thought this was a fun project, but I'm not the best drawer so my art work is a little off. But this is a very fun lesson for students to do. An extension project would be to incorporate an english lesson into this project. The writing and art work go hand in hand.

Native American Sand Art

This project was to give us input on Native American art and the number of different forms there are. The class started out as giving us a lecture of the different forms of Native American art and how they differ from one another. When we got the chance to work on our pieces, we made out our designs and color in our design with crayons. The key is to press hard with crayons otherwise the design will not transfer over to the paper. The tranferring process occured with putting the design under a piece of paper and ironing the design onto the paper. I enjoyed the project and didn't have many difficulities, other than the ironing process. My design did not transfer over very well. An extension activity would to have a social studies lesson incorporated into the lesson and give a breaf history of Native Americans.

Print Making

This project gave perspective on the history of printing and how it was originally used. We started by having a piece of styrofoam and drawing out our design we wanted for the holiday cards we made. My design was a snowman and said, "Happy Holidays." After we we done with our designed, we chose the color of print we wanted to be put on the color of paper we chose for the card. We used a wooden roller utensil to roll the color of print onto the paper to form the card. Even though I did not plan on the number twelve (12) being on the paper, I'm happy that it is because that was my high school basketball number. I liked this activity very much, but though it was difficult to roll the ink because sometimes the roller would get sticky. An extension to this would be to have the students personally write inside the cards and give them to someone for Christmas.


Pastels were very fun to draw, but got a little messy. It was fun to experiment with shading and 3D effects. We were first to practice our shading by drawing same shade and add a 3D effect to it. I drew a circle and added shading effects to it, to make it look like a ball sitting on the floor. We were then to draw a picture we picked out and use pastels to draw the picture. An extension to this project would to have the students tell a story about the picture they have drawn and what they like most about the particular picture.